The Mandalorian S2 Ep.1 - "The Marshal" Review
The Mandalorian S2 Ep.1 - "The Marshal" Review
After almost a full year, without Baby Yoda in your lives The Mandalorian has finally returned to Disney + this fall. With the incredible praise received from the first season, the pressure is on for creator and writer Jon Favreau! Season 2 begins with Mando (Pedro Pascal) teaming up with Cobb Vanth (Timothy Olphant) to defeat the Krayt Dragon that has been terrorizing a small town on Tatooine in exchange for a set of mandalorian armor Cobb Vanth possesses.
The episode itself invokes an old western feel as Mando enters into the town with all eyes on him. It is incredible to see how well Jon Favreau has capsulated the Star Wars nostalgia with small details that new fans and old can enjoy. From the return of the Tusken raiders to the incredible reveal of Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison). Although the plot may be simplistic, the overall tone and story is quite enjoyable which shows how well stories can be told without over the top fan service and extreme fight scenes. Overall "The Marshal" sets up a great return for The Mandalorian season 2 and creates a great deal of excitement for the rest of the epsiodes to come.
Final Score: 95%
Excellent review sire, you should make a youtube channel for this.