The Little Things - Spoiler Free Movie Review


Image: WarnerBros. Studios

The Little Things, starring Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, and Jared Leto is the first movie coming to theaters after Warner Bros.'  controversial move to have their movies appear along side the streaming service HBO Max.  The Little Things, has a very basic plot that has been visited by detective thrillers plenty times over, but what it lacks in plot it tries to make up in with its Oscar award winning cast. Although Washington, Malek, and Leto are all amazing actors in their own right, the film gives the actors little to work with and seems as though they are just running through lines. The film starts off really promising with a gritty plot about a cop with a dark mysterious past, but as the film progresses its clear that the film does not really know what it wants to do with itself. Even though the ending made sense, it did not feel satisfying like the movie was trying to intend to be. According to other sources director John Lee Hancock, came up with the idea for the movie around the 1990s. Which if you look at the movie with that in mind, things become a lot more clear. This movie screams 1990s and would have obviously been a lot better if it were to come out around that time period instead of almost 20 years later. Over all the movie is a fun watch, but not something that will be remembered in the long run.

Potato Meter: 59% 


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