Image: WarnerBros. Studios
After almost four years of fans, directors, and actors fighting, finally Zack Snyder's vision has come to the small screens via HBO Max! For those who don't know Justice League hit theaters in 2017, but as you all know was not received well by fans and critics. This is due to the fact that director Zack Snyder had to unfortunately step down as director due to his daughters passing. Warner Bros, then handed the project over to Joss Whedon, famous for directing the first Avenger's film. What followed was a terribly scrambled messy disgrace of a film. Which lead to tons of backlash of fans wanting to see Zach Snyder's original vision for Justice League. With many petitions and the help of some actors, Warner Bros finally greenlit the Zack Snyder's project. Hence, The Snyder Cut was born.
The Snyder Cut comes in with a run time of roughly over 4 hours, which makes it quite a long film. However, although the runtime is quite long it feels like a regular 2 hour length film. Overall I had a very positive experience watching the Snyder Cut. Comparing it to the original 2017 version would be impossible, due to there being very little similarities. With almost 90% of the footage being brand new, and 5% of scenes of changed it is like watching a brand new film. As much as Joss Whedon is an incredible director, it is hard to see why he decided to take out major scenes throughout the film that would have changed the movie completely. One of the biggest changes added was the amount of needed backstory for Cyborg, Flash, and Steppenwolf. Once you understand the motivation for these key characters throughout the film, it becomes so much clearer why they act the way they do and what there motivations are. It honestly blows my mind how anyone would think it would be a good idea to take away these key moments that when put into the story as a whole just make it so much more clear and easier to understand. Another huge complaint in the original cut was the amount of awkward dialogue and cringe one liners. These jokes just added unnecessary pauses that just left me wondering why anyone would put this in. Luckily in the Snyder Cut, these lines are nowhere to be seen.
The final thing I wanna talk about is how this movie feels like a "comic book movie." In a era of comic book movies, it may be easy to see how some people may not understand what I mean. The best examples I can come up with is Avengers: Endgame and Justice League: Snyder Cut. To the average viewer these films just might be an exciting watch, but to many comic book fans this is an opportunity to see their favorite characters interact on the big screen. This is what the foundation of comic books movies are founded on and what makes all the difference.
PotatoMeter: 90%
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